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busts 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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busts, plural;
  1. Break, split, or burst (something)
    • - they bust the tunnel wide open
    • - the film busts every box-office record
  2. Come apart or split open
    • - he was laughing fit to bust
  3. Cause to collapse; defeat utterly
    • - he promised to bust the mafia
  4. (esp. of a married couple) Separate, typically after a quarrel

  5. Cause (something) to break up
    • - men hired to bust up union rallies
  6. Strike violently
    • - they wanted to bust me on the mouth
  7. Break out; escape
    • - she busted out of prison
  8. (in blackjack and similar card games) Exceed the score of 21, losing one's stake

  9. Raid or search (premises where illegal activity is suspected)
    • - their house got busted
  10. Arrest
    • - he was busted for drugs
  11. Reduce (a soldier) to a lower rank; demote
    • - he was busted to private
  1. A period of economic difficulty or depression
    • - the boom was followed by the present bust
  2. A police raid
    • - a drug bust
  3. A worthless thing
    • - as a show it was a bust

  1. (bust) break: ruin completely; "He busted my radio!"
  2. (bust) broke: lacking funds; "`skint' is a British slang term"
  3. (bust) flop: a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop"
  4. (bust) female chest: the chest of a woman
  5. (bust) raid: search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on; "The police raided the crack house"
  6. (bust) a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person
  7. (Bust (magazine)) Bust is a bi-monthly United States-based women's lifestyle magazine. It was founded in 1993 by Debbie Stoller, Laurie Henzel, and Marcelle Karp.
  8. (Bust (sculpture)) A bust is a sculpted or cast representation of the upper part of the human figure, depicting a person's head and neck, as well as a variable portion of the chest and shoulders. The piece is normally supported by a plinth. These forms recreate the likeness of an individual. ...
  9. Busting is a 1974 film directed by Peter Hyams, starring Elliott Gould and Robert Blake as Los Angeles police detectives.
  10. (bust) A sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders; The breasts and upper thorax of a woman; To break something; To arrest for a crime; To catch someone in the act of doing something wrong, socially and morally inappropriate, or illegal, especially when being done in a sneaky or ...
  11. (Bust) When a hand's value exceeds 21....a losing hand.
  12. (BUST) The head, neck, shoulders and upper chest of an image generally found on the obverse (front) of a coin.
  13. (Bust) A totally worthless hand that didn't improve.
  14. (Bust) [Slang], an inaccurate forecast or an unsuccessful storm chase; usually a situation in which thunderstorms or severe weather are expected, but do not occur.
  15. (Bust) having a hand totalling more than 21 points, an automatic loser.
  16. (Bust) rule that dictates any hand over 21 results in an automatic loss.
  17. (Bust) A player who greatly disappoints and fails to live up to preseason expectations.
  18. (bust) after being dealt an extra card, the player is said to "bust" if the new card causes the total hand value to exceed 21.
  19. (Bust) A hand total exceeding 21; also known as a “Break.”
  20. (BUST) In blackjack, to go over twenty-one. If you bust you lose
  21. (Bust) To run out of money, especially in a tournament.
  22. (Bust) Hitting more than you needed in an x01 game, and the darts don't count
  23. (Bust) Another term for break. Player gets more than 21 in Black Jack.
  24. (bust) a portrait on a coin, usually including the head, neck and upper shoulders.
  25. (Bust) When the player or dealer's total hand value goes over 21.