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busing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bussed, past participle; bussed, past tense; busses, 3rd person singular present; bused, past tense; buses, 3rd person singular present; busing, present participle; bused, past participle; bussing, present participle;
  1. Transport in a communal road vehicle
    • - managerial staff was bused in and out of the factory
  2. Transport (a child of one race) to a school where another race is predominant, in an attempt to promote racial integration

  3. Remove (dirty tableware) from a table in a restaurant or cafeteria
    • - I'd never bused so many dishes in one night
  4. Remove dirty tableware from (a table)
    • - Chad buses tables on weekends

  1. A bus (archaically also omnibus, multibus, or autobus) is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. Buses are widely used public transportation.
  2. Buse is a surname, and may refer to: * Bertie Buse (1910-1992), English cricketer * Don Buse * John Buse * Matthias Buse, ski jumper
  3. The transportation of schoolchildren, by bus, to schools in other neighbourhoods in order to alleviate social inequalities or to achieve racial integration
  4. (buse) to use abusive language
  5. (busers) Assist with the cleaning up and resetting of tables.
  6. A method for remedying segregation by transporting students to create more ethnically or racially balanced schools. ...
  7. The joining of two or more circuits.