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businesslike 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a person) Carrying out tasks efficiently without wasting time or being distracted by personal or other concerns; systematic and practical,
  1. (of a person) Carrying out tasks efficiently without wasting time or being distracted by personal or other concerns; systematic and practical

  2. (of clothing, furniture, etc.) Designed or appearing to be practical rather than decorative

  3. Excessively brisk or practical; severe or impersonal
    • - he was businesslike and unmoved

  1. exhibiting methodical and systematic characteristics that would be useful in business
  2. not distracted by anything unrelated to the goal
  3. Methodical and efficient, in a way that would be advantageous to a business or businessperson; Earnest and practical without being distracted or enthusiastic