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bushy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bushier, comparative; bushiest, superlative;
  1. Growing thickly into or so as to resemble a bush
    • - a dense, bushy plant
    • - his eyebrows were thick and bushy
  2. Covered with bush or bushes
    • - bushy desert areas

  1. used of hair; thick and poorly groomed; "bushy locks"; "a shaggy beard"
  2. resembling a bush in being thickly branched and spreading
  3. A Bushie, or less commonly, Bushite or Bushy, is a term referring to a political supporter of George H. W. Bush or George W. Bush. More specifically, it is used to denote the of Bush advisors, appointees, and acolytes. ...
  4. Like a bush in having many widely spread branches
  5. (bushiness) The characteristic of being bushy
  6. Doozy's best friend and a hero to Tom-Tom
  7. adj. The best kind of hair, full of character and wildness.
  8. says about a particularly "dense" tail; applies generally to a long tail.