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bushmaster 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bushmasters, plural;
  1. A pit viper that is the largest venomous snake in the New World, found in Central and South America

  1. Bushmaster, in comics, may refer to: * Bushmaster (Marvel Comics), two Marvel supervillains * Bushmaster (DC Comics), a DC Comics character
  2. Bushmaster is a fictional superhero published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Super Friends #45 (June 1981), and was created by E. Nelson Bridwell and Romeo Tanghal.
  3. (Bushmasters) Lachesis is a genus of venomous pitvipers found in the remote, forested areas in Central and South America. The generic name refers to one of the Three Fates in Greek mythology who determined the length of the thread of life. Three species are currently recognized.
  4. any elite soldier or unit skilled in jungle operations, as derived from the reputation earned by the WWII 158th RCT; see JUNGLE EXPERT, SHADOW WARRIOR, BOONIE RAT, GRUNT. [v: bushranger] Also, name of the 25mm (M-242) CHAIN GUN.