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busboy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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busboys, plural;
  1. A young man who clears tables in a restaurant or cafeteria

  1. a restaurant attendant who sets tables and assists waiters and clears away dirty dishes
  2. Busser, busboy or busgirl are terms used in the United States of someone that works in the restaurant and catering industry clearing dirty dishes, taking the dirty dishes to the dishwasher, setting tables, and otherwise assisting the waiting staff (waiter/waitress). Schmich, Mary. (2007-08-24. ...
  3. "The Busboy" was the seventeenth episode of Seinfeld to air, despite being the eighth produced. The episode was the 12th and final episode of the show's second season. It aired on June 26, 1991.
  4. Season two of Seinfeld, an American television series created by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, began airing on January 23, 1991, on NBC. Because of the commencement of the first Gulf War, the second season's premiere was postponed one week. ...
  5. (The Busboys) The BusBoys are a musical group known for playing rock & roll with a bar band, boogie woogie flavor.
  6. Assistant waiter; one who clears plates from and cleans tables; one who buses