- come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure; "The bubble burst"
- explosion: the act of exploding or bursting; "the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children"; "the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft"
- break: force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up; "break into tears"; "erupt in anger"
- fusillade: rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms; "our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise"
- a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason); "a burst of applause"; "a fit of housecleaning"
- explode: burst outward, usually with noise; "The champagne bottle exploded"
- Bristol University Radio Station (BURST) is the radio station run by students of the University of Bristol, England. Its studios are located within the University of Bristol Union building, and it broadcasts online . ...
- Burst was a progressive metal band from Kristinehamn, Sweden. They were formed in 1993 by Jesper Liveröd, Linus Jägerskog and Patrik Hultin. Guitarists Robert Reinholdz and Jonas Rydberg joined the band a bit later. ...
- Burst is an EP released by Swedish progressive metal band Burst. The EP was self-released by Burst and recorded at Studio Zalt in March 1995 in Kristinehamn, Sweden.
- Erpe-Mere is a municipality located in the Belgian province of East Flanders. The municipality comprises the towns of Aaigem, Bambrugge, Burst, Erondegem, Erpe, Mere, Ottergem and Vlekkem. On January 1, 2006 Erpe-Mere had a total population of 18,978. The total area is 34. ...
- Bursting is an extremely diverse general phenomenon of the activation patterns of neurons in the central nervous system and spinal cord where periods of rapid spiking are followed by quiescent, silent, periods. ...
- An instance of, or the act of bursting; To break from internal pressure; To cause to break from internal pressure; To separate formfeed at perforation lines; To enter or exit hurriedly and unexpectedly.
- (bursting) Urgently needing to urinate
- (Bursting) The process of separating continuous forms.
- (Bursting) The act of jumping ahead multiple levels in an instant using stored experience points that have been accumulated with the "Sandbagging" technique listed below.
- (Bursting) You may hear this term tossed around a lot during the week. A burst is a cheer that each sorority does. It can be a chant, or a song, and it will most likely involve jumping up and down and clapping. Don’t be freaked out by this.
- (Bursts) a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly.
- Bursts occur when a player plays an attack card, magic card, or a Creature or Battlegear's trigger abilities are activated. Once a burst has started players alternate adding to the burst with their own abilities or effects. ...
- Another term for when an aerial shell opens up sending out its effects.
- A graphic device often used next to photographs of products or premiums, containing value or offer statements: “A $39 Value, FREE!”
- A sequence of signals in data communications counted as one unit in accordance with some specific criterion or measure.
- Seven to nine cycles (NTSC) or ten cycles (PAL) of sub-carrier placed near the end of horizontal blanking to serve as the phase (color) reference for the modulated color sub-carrier. Burst serves as the reference for establishing the picture color.
- A color reference signal included as part of the overall composite video signal. Eight to ten cycles of color sub-carrier (3.579545 MHz, often abbreviated as 3.58) are inserted before the start of every horizontal line. It can be seen just following the H sync pulse in the H blanking interval. ...
- Internal pressure at which tube will yield.
- An irregular separation or rupture through the paper or package