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burrowers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. The sandburrowers or simply burrowers are a family, Creediidae, of fishes in the order Perciformes.
  2. The Burrowers is a 2008 horror/thriller film with a Western theme. The film is based on a seven-part television series from director JT Petty.
  3. (Burrower) The personification of being buried alive, Burrowers are corpses bound in chains and heavy blankets. As their name suggests, they burrow underground, emerging only to attack using their chains. ...
  4. (Burrower) Animal that uses a variety of structures designed for moving and burrowing into sand and silt, or building tubes within loose substrate.
  5. The original chimpanzeelike creatures that evolved into the trolls.
  6. Another mutation of the saurian or serpent race that is capable of burrowing through the earth. Possibly quadrupedal as well as be-pedal, these have been known to use their natural 'boring' abilities to create artificial tunnels like moles, or even spontaneously produced 'cave-ins' (the latter ...