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burnished 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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burnished, past participle; burnished, past tense; burnishing, present participle; burnishes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Polish (something, esp. metal) by rubbing
    • - highly burnished armor
  2. Enhance or perfect (something such as a reputation or a skill)

  1. bright: made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; "bright silver candlesticks"; "a burnished brass knocker"; "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves"; "rows of shining glasses"; "shiny black patents"
  2. (burnish) buff: polish and make shiny; "buff the wooden floors"; "buff my shoes"
  3. (burnish) polish: the property of being smooth and shiny
  4. Burnishing is a form of pottery treatment in which the surface of the pot is polished, using a hard smooth surface such as a wooden or bone spatula, smooth stones, plastic, or even glass bulbs, while it still is in a leathery 'green' state, i.e., before firing. ...
  5. (Burnishing (metalworking)) Burnishing is the plastic deformation of a surface due to sliding contact with another object. Visually, burnishing smears the texture of a rough surface and makes it shinier. ...
  6. Polished, made shiny by rubbing (especially with a burnisher)
  7. (burnish) To make smooth or shiny by rubbing; to polish; to shine
  8. (Burnish) To smooth the surface of a pot by rubbing with a hard object to give a finish with a polished effect.
  9. (burnish) To polish by rubbing. For instance, after gold leaf is applied to a substrate, it is burnished with a cotton cloth to bring up the shine and reveal any holes where the leaf will have to be applied a second time.
  10. (Burnish) To achieve an antiquing effect, this stylized buffing process is used to make the shoe look worn and/or broken in.
  11. (Burnish) To smooth a workpiece by rolling or sliding it over a surface under pressure.
  12. (Burnish) A hand troweled finish using a stainless steel spatula, a method that is typically employed over a Venetian Plaster. Burnishing gives a smooth glass-like finish to the wall surface.
  13. (Burnish) A process similar to buffing. A high speed machine (burnisher) is used to enhance the appearance and polish of the floor finish. A very high gloss level can be achieved when using high speed burnishers above 1500 rpm.
  14. (Burnish) A technique, often used in plastering, that requires the artist to hand rub the surface with a trowel to obtain a smooth or glass-like finish.
  15. (Burnish) Creates a look of depth to the surface when it is finished with burnish. This finish is attained by burning the finish onto the leather using high heat such as the type caused by friction.
  16. (Burnish) Part of the method for correcting incised lines in an intaglio plate after the area below the level of the incision has been scraped away so that it will no longer hold ink, it is smothered and polished so that incidental lines of scraping will not print. top
  17. (Burnish) Polish with a tool to make the surface smooth or shiny by friction; increase a loss of the paint by smoothing.
  18. (Burnish) Process in copper foil construction of pressing and smoothing the copper foil tape down to the glass.
  19. (Burnish) Smooth or shiny area above the breakout on a sheared edge. Also called shear or cut band.
  20. (Burnish) The flattening or finishing-out of a malleable metal through pressure. As it relates to dentistry; the finishing of the edges (margins) of a metal coping to precisely match / fit the prepared edges of the reduced tooth (abutment).
  21. (Burnish) The term used to describe the rubbing down and securing of copy to a keyline.
  22. (Burnish) Usually refers to the use of higher rpm equipment when buffing a floor, and designates a type of maintenance program.
  23. (Burnish) to make smooth by rubbing. Also used to refer to ingredients, such as soap flakes, used in the final polish phase to make the rocks glossy.
  24. (burnish (gold)) Rubbing metal leaf with specially-made tools to smooth and polish its surface. Burnishing tools can be made of haematite, psilomelanite, or most commonly, agate; they come in several shapes, needle point, dogtooth, and lipstick being the most common. See image below. ...
  25. (burnish) (2) -- the rubbing or polishing of the surface of a pot with the smooth piece of stone, bone, pottery or wood after it had dried in the sun but before it was fired in the kiln;  this technique produced an attractive glossy surface after firing (Warren, 140) Sample Image (Lesson 2)