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burnish 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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burnished, past participle; burnished, past tense; burnishing, present participle; burnishes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Polish (something, esp. metal) by rubbing
    • - highly burnished armor
  2. Enhance or perfect (something such as a reputation or a skill)

  1. The shine on a highly polished surface

  1. buff: polish and make shiny; "buff the wooden floors"; "buff my shoes"
  2. polish: the property of being smooth and shiny
  3. (burnished) bright: made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; "bright silver candlesticks"; "a burnished brass knocker"; "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves"; "rows of shining glasses"; "shiny black patents"
  4. Burnishing is a form of pottery treatment in which the surface of the pot is polished, using a hard smooth surface such as a wooden or bone spatula, smooth stones, plastic, or even glass bulbs, while it still is in a leathery 'green' state, i.e., before firing. ...
  5. (Burnishing (metalworking)) Burnishing is the plastic deformation of a surface due to sliding contact with another object. Visually, burnishing smears the texture of a rough surface and makes it shinier. ...
  6. To make smooth or shiny by rubbing; to polish; to shine
  7. (burnished) Polished, made shiny by rubbing (especially with a burnisher)
  8. (Burnished) Applied to colour which is rich, deep and lustrous and carries a distinct bloom.
  9. (Burnished) Given a glossy surface by a buffing wheel. Proof dies were usually burnished prior to striking. A coin “burnished” after striking would be considered impaired.
  10. (Burnished) Induced shine accomplished by ironing the skin.
  11. (Burnished) Sunburned, here it refers also worn.
  12. Burnished work has had its surface rubbed with a hard object such as a polished stone, the back of a spoon or a strip of sprung steel. This smoothes and polishes the clay. ...
  13. (Burnishing) A technique where the Leather hard clay is polished with a hard instrument to force the smallest clay particles to the surface creating a soft sheen. This surface remains after the pot is fired so long as the firing temperature is kept below 1100^oC.
  14. (Burnishing) A process in which the surfaces of a coin or a planchet are shined through rubbing or polishing. This term has both a positive and a negative context: In a positive sense, Proof planchets are burnished before they are struck. ...
  15. (Burnishing) Shiny or lustrous spots on a paint surface caused by rubbing.
  16. (Burnishing) Creating a polished finish on paper by rubbing with stone or hand smoothing a surface.
  17. (Burnishing) by rubbing leather hard clay with a hard object like a smooth pebble or back of a spoon a polished appearance would occur. TOP
  18. (Burnishing) A method used to smooth the exterior surface of a vessel that involves rubbing a smooth object like a stone on the surface. The result is a polished but not glossy surface. Besides polishing the surface, the process strengthens the surface bonds of clay particles. ...
  19. burnishing is polishing the surface of leather-hard, unfired clay with a hard, smooth object such as a stone or piece of metal. Burnished clay is shiny.
  20. (BURNISHING) Method of achieving a shine by rubbing clay or slip with smooth hard object.
  21. (BURNISHING) The operation of smoothing out the grain in the mezzotint process with the aid of the burnisher, a polished steel tool with a large round head. It is also used on metal plates where corrections are required.
  22. (Burnishing) A glazed surface finishing usually resulting from using a dull or loaded grinding wheel or coated abrasive. Also a finishing process that relies upon ductile movement of workpiece materials to achieve the desired surface characteristics.
  23. (Burnishing) A maintenance method used to produce a gloss with frictional heat and vigorous mechanical action.back to top
  24. (Burnishing) A process which darkens the profile edges of the wood to create an antique effect.
  25. (Burnishing) A technique in coloured pencil work. You use a white pencil, or a colourless blender and rub over the layers of colour. The effect "melts" the coloured pencil and creates a shiny look. Once you have done this, it is pretty hard to go back, although it has been done.