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burgeoning 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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burgeons, 3rd person singular present; burgeoning, present participle; burgeoned, past tense; burgeoned, past participle;
  1. Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish
    • - manufacturers are keen to cash in on the burgeoning demand
  2. Put forth young shoots; bud

  1. Budding is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism grows on another one. The new organism remains attached as it grows, separating from the parent organism only when it is mature. ...
  2. the act of budding or sprouting; a bud or branch; a new growth or expansion of something; that buds, grows or expands; developing
  3. (v) - to sprout, grow, flourish. burgeon (v)
  4. budding; sprouting forth