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burgee 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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burgees, plural;
  1. A flag bearing the colors or emblem of a sailing club, typically triangular

  1. A burgee is a distinguishing flag, regardless of its shape, of a recreational boating organization.
  2. A kind of small coal used in furnaces
  3. A type of flag used to identify a boater's affiliation with a yacht club or boating organization.
  4. Small flag that bears a yacht club’s symbol.
  5. A triangular or square flag flown at the truck as a kind of pennant. A commodore's pennant is a "swallowtail" burgee. A vice commodore's burgee has one white ball in the upper corner or canton of the hoist ; a rear commodore's, two halls placed vertically.
  6. A colorful pennant, often used to identify a vessel as being from a particular yacht club.
  7. 1) An identifying flag aboard ship; either triangular or swallowtail in shape.  2) Strictly, a flag or pennant that ends in a swallow-tail of two points.
  8. A small flag , usually triangular, flown from the starboard spreader on a sailboat or the bow on power vessels to denote yacht club affiliation
  9. A triangular flag, often representing the yacht club to which the vessel belongs.
  10. A flag that indicates what yacht club a particular boat belongs to.
  11. A small triangular flag flown at the mast head as a true wind indicator.
  12. small ship's flag used for identification or signalling