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bunion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bunions, plural;
  1. A painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe

  1. a painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe
  2. For "Bunion de Santa Fe" refer to "Union de Santa Fe"
  3. (Bunions) hard, painful bumps on the big toe joint
  4. A bunion is a localized painful swelling at the base of the big toe (the great toe). The joint is enlarged (due to new bone formation) and the toe is often misaligned. It is frequently associated with inflammation. ...
  5. A bulge on the first joint of the big toe caused by swelling under the skin as a result of long-term irritation and pressure from poorly fitting shoes. People with diabetes and bunions should receive advice and treatment from a qualified foot care expert. See PODIATRIST, CHIROPODIST.
  6. An angular deformity of the big toe, causing a bump to develop at its base; may become inflamed and painful.
  7. localized swelling at the first metatarsophalangeal joint (between the instep and the toes) due to an inflamed bursa (fluid-filled sac)
  8. abnormal prominence on the inner aspect of the first metatarsal head with resulting displacement of the first toe.
  9. a hard, fluid-filled pad along the inside joint of the big toe; may be caused by wearing high-heeled shoes or a genetically weak joint
  10. A deformity of the foot known as a "bunion" represents protrusion of the MP joint. Such a deformity makes walking more difficult and can produce a thick callus or ulceration when the bunion makes shoes ill-fitting. This lesion can be lessened by surgical correction.
  11. Also known as hallux (big toe) valgus (a deviation away from the midline of the body). The components of the deformity are a widening of inner border of the foot, medial prominence of first metatarsal head and an angular deformity of toe.
  12. An enlargement of the large toe joint often associated with pain
  13. Deformity and inflammation of the big toe joint, often very painful. Proper pointe fitting and training help dancers avoid or delay bunion development.
  14. To dream you have a bunion signifies that a friend from afar will return. An inflamed bunion causing pain indicates a new admirer.