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bumpy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bumpier, comparative; bumpiest, superlative;
  1. (of a surface) Uneven, with many patches raised above the rest
    • - the bumpy road
  2. (of a journey or other movement) Involving sudden jolts and jerks, esp. caused by an uneven surface
    • - she took us all on a bumpy ride
  3. Fluctuating and unreliable; subject to unexpected difficulties
    • - bumpy market conditions

  1. rough: causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements; "a rough ride"
  2. covered with or full of bumps; "a bumpy country road"
  3. Bumpy is a species of Jellyfish, Stellamedusa ventana.
  4. Bumpy, also known as Pop-Up and Cool-Ball, is a 2D platforming video game created by Loriciels. It was released for the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC in 1989. In this game, the player controls a ball, trying to get it to the exit by bouncing it off walls and various types of platforms. ...
  5. choppy water or it could be a decent wave but still the face could be bumpy
  6. Bumps on the ocean surface created by wind, usually between 6-10 knots in velocity. Definitely not clean but not choppy or blown out either.