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bumboat 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bumboats, plural;
  1. A small vessel carrying provisions for sale to ships in port

  1. a small boat that ferries supplies and commodities for sale to a larger ship at anchor
  2. A bumboat is a small boat used to ferry supplies to ships moored away from the shore. Originally referring to a scavenger's boat, the name comes from the combination of the Dutch word for a canoe - "boomschuit" ("boom" meaning "tree"), and "boat".
  3. (bumboats) boats used in peddling provisions and small wares among vessels lying in port or offshore.
  4. Bumboats, in spite of their name, were not waterborne geedunks piloted by bums or hobos. They are small boats used by native hucksters and gizmo salesmen to transport their wares to ships anchored in the storm. ...
  5. A boat selling supplies or provisions to ships.  Derived from "boomboat," signifying boats permitted to lie at the ship's booms.
  6. A private boat selling goods.
  7. A boat carrying provisions to vessels at a distance from the shore.
  8. A civilian boat that comes alongside to sell merchandise.
  9. A small boat used for ferrying ship's crews.