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bumblebees 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bumblebees, plural;
  1. A large hairy bee with a loud hum, living in small colonies in holes underground

  1. (bumblebee) robust hairy social bee of temperate regions
  2. A bumblebee (also spelled as bumble bee) is any member of the bee genus Bombus, in the family Apidae. There are over 250 known species, existing primarily in the Northern Hemisphere although they are common in New Zealand and Tasmania.
  3. (Bumblebee (comics)) Bumblebee (Karen Beecher-Duncan) is a fictional character, existing in DC Comics' main shared universe. She is a former member of the Teen Titans and a current member of the Doom Patrol. ...
  4. (Bumblebee (other incarnations)) As the Transformers franchise has grown, other characters have appeared with the name Bumblebee.
  5. (bumblebee) Any of several species of large bee in the genus Bombus
  6. (Bumble-Bee) Yellow and black Tranz Rail livery.
  7. (Bumblebee) minispy, transfomation is a yellow classic VW Beetle..