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bulwarks 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bulwarks, plural;
  1. A defensive wall

  2. A person, institution, or principle that acts as a defense
    • - the security forces are a bulwark against the breakdown of society
  3. An extension of a ship's sides above the level of the deck

  1. (bulwark) rampart: an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes; "they stormed the ramparts of the city"; "they blew the trumpet and the walls came tumbling down"
  2. (bulwark) defend with a bulwark
  3. (bulwark) a fencelike structure around a deck (usually plural)
  4. (bulwark) breakwater: a protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach from washing away
  5. A bastion, or a bulwark, is a structure projecting outward from the main enclosure of a fortification, situated in both corners of a straight wall (termed curtain), facilitating active defence against assaulting troops. ...
  6. (Bulwark (comics)) Bulwark (Oswald Boeglin) is a fictional mutant character in the Marvel Comics Universe who first appeared as an antagonist of Generation X in Generation X #11.
  7. (bulwark) A defensive wall or rampart; A defense or safeguard; A breakwater; The planking or plating along the sides of a nautical vessel above her gunwale that reduces the likelihood of seas washing over the gunwales and people being washed overboard; To fortify something with a wall or ...
  8. (bulwark) the side of a ship above the deck
  9. (Bulwark) A guard that protects the ship from big waves.
  10. (Bulwark) Extension of topsides above deck.
  11. (BULWARK) A railing around the deck of a boat to keep  things from going overboard and the seas from coming aboard
  12. (Bulwark) A raised platform for artillery.
  13. (Bulwark) A solid panel, extending upwards from the deck, providing shelter and security for the people on deck. Often it is an extension of the hull sides, usually with tumblehome.
  14. (Bulwark) A solid rail or wall extending the ships sides above the deck. From Old English and Norse, but of unknown meaning.
  15. (Bulwark) Fore and aft vertical plating immediately above the upper edge of the sheer strake.
  16. (Bulwark) Part of the hull of a ship that extends above the main deck from bow to stern forming a rail.
  17. (Bulwark) Plating on the outside of a ship's hull preventing seawater from washing on to the upper deck.
  18. (Bulwark) class battle cruiser
  19. (bulwark) a solid raised structure for defense
  20. (bulwark) a wall of earth or other material built for defense; rampart; any protection against external danger, injury, or annoyance: The new dam was a bulwark against future floods; any person or thing giving strong support or encouragement in time of need, danger, or doubt: Religion was his ...
  21. The part of a ship's side that is above the upper deck. The protective structure, lip, or railing that surrounds open, exposed deck areas of a ship. Scuppers (openings) are provided in bulwarks to allow for drainage of seawater or accumulated deck water.
  22. The wood work round a vessel, above her deck, consisting of boards fastened to stanchions and timber-heads.
  23. Mural towers, bastions, were introduced by king Uzziah (Ch2 26:15; Zep 1:16; Psa 48:13; Isa 26:1). There are five Hebrew words so rendered in the Authorized Version, but the same word is also variously rendered.
  24. The side plating that forms the railing around a tug's main deck.  Also, it is commonly called the waist.
  25. The planking or woodwork above a deck.