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bullfrog 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bullfrogs, plural;
  1. A very large frog that has a deep booming croak and is often a predator of smaller vertebrates

  1. largest North American frog; highly aquatic with a deep-pitched voice
  2. The American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeianaHillis, D. M. 2007. Constraints in naming parts of the Tree of Life. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42:331–338.Hillis, D. M., and T. P. Wilcox. 2005. Phylogeny of the New World True Frogs (Rana). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34:299–314. ...
  3. Any of various large frogs of genus Rana, that have a deep croak and are native to North America
  4. I am bestowed by the ironies of my life.....