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bulldozers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bulldozers, plural;
  1. A powerful tractor with a broad upright blade at the front for clearing ground

  2. A person, army, or other body exercising irresistible power, esp. in disposing of obstacles or opposition
    • - he was a political bulldozer
    • - as president of the board, she was an insufferable bulldozer

  1. (bulldozer) large powerful tractor; a large blade in front flattens areas of ground
  2. A bulldozer is a crawler (caterpillar tracked tractor) equipped with a substantial metal plate (known as a blade) used to push large quantities of soil, sand, rubble, etc. ...
  3. (Bulldozer (band)) Bulldozer is a speed/black metal band from Milan, Italy that was active from 1980 until 1990. They have reunited as of 2008.
  4. (Bulldozer (comics)) Bulldozer (Henry Camp) is a fictional supervillain in the Marvel Universe. He is a member of the Wrecking Crew. The character was created by Len Wein and Sal Buscema and first appeared in Defenders #17 (November 1974).
  5. (Bulldozer (EP)) Bulldozer is the second EP by Chicago Post-Hardcore band Big Black, released in 1983. It was their first release to feature an actual band performing, including Pat Byrne from Urge Overkill playing drums on some of the songs. ...
  6. (Bulldozer (processor)) Bulldozer is the codename AMD has given to one of the next-generation CPU cores after the K10 microarchitecture for the company's M-SPACE design methodology, with the core specifically aimed at 10 watt to 100 watt TDP computing products. ...
  7. (Bulldozer (truck)) Bulldozer is a monster truck that races in the USHRA Monster Jam series. It is currently driven by Alex Blackwell. It features one of the first 3-D body shells, with horns sticking out the front. In this respect it resembles El Toro Loco. ...
  8. (bulldozer) A tractor with a blade in front used for pushing earth and rocks and building debris and for coarse preliminary surface grading
  9. (Bulldozer (Dozer)) A highly versatile piece of earth excavating and moving equipment especially useful in land clearing and leveling work, in stripping topsoil, in road building and ramp building and in floor or bench cleanup and gathering operations.
  10. (Bulldozer) (1) A tractor with a large, blunt blade attached to its front end by hydraulic-controlled arms. A bulldozer is used to push, shape, or move earth or rock short distances. (2) A machine used to bend reinforcing bars into U-shapes.
  11. (Bulldozer) A heavy engineering vehicle used to move earth with a loader in the front and a "ripper" to break stones behind
  12. (Bulldozer) A high-powered caterpillar-mounted tractor fitted with a concave blade mounted in front of the machine. Used for smoothing out irregularities in working areas, levelling the tops of dumps, clearing spillage etc.
  13. (Bulldozer) Steel blade mounted across the front of a standard crawler tractor that can be raised and lowered but cannot be angled to one side or the other; therefore all pushing is straight forward (24).
  14. (Bulldozer) that’s the dude who is always saying “Can you believe this guy?”, or “This person sucks!”, or similar comments. She is basically the only decent person in the world, everyone else needs to be belittled and placed where they belong.
  15. (bulldozer) A blade that goes on front of a tractor (usually a crawler) to push dirt.
  16. (bulldozer) Slow-acting horizontal mechanical press with a large bed used for bending and straightening. The work is done between dies and can be performed hot or cold. The machine is closely allied to a forging machine.
  17. (bulldozer) TRUCK + little finger edge of [B], PO > signer, FO > NDS, slowly pushes imaginary dirt away on surface of [B], PO up, FO away. For a QuickTime movie of the second sign, see ASL browser - pave.