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bulky 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bulkier, comparative; bulkiest, superlative;
  1. Taking up much space, typically inconveniently; large and unwieldy
    • - a bulky piece of luggage
  2. (of a person) Heavily built

  3. (of clothing) Made of a thick yarn or fabric
    • - a bulky sweater

  1. of large size for its weight
  2. (bulkiness) an unwieldy largeness
  3. Being large in size, mass, or volume; Unwieldy; Having excess body mass, especially muscle
  4. (bulkier) comparative form of bulky: more bulky
  5. (bulkiness) The characteristic of being bulky, or of having bulk
  6. (Bulkiness) how big the nappy is. Some parents love the ‘big-bummed’ look whilst others prefer a more slimline silhouette.
  7. Paper which appears to be thick in relation to its substance.
  8. A general term for lofty, textured yarns. Bulky's are 6-8 times thicker than a fingering weight yarn and are usually worked on a size 10 to 17 needle (crochet J10 and up.) The resulting fabric has 2-3 stitches per inch. ...
  9. a. motta; wadda; bhara ;