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bulbous 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Fat, round, or bulging,
  1. Fat, round, or bulging
    • - a bulbous nose
  2. (of a plant) Growing from a bulb

  1. bulblike: shaped like a bulb
  2. bellied: curving outward
  3. A bulb is a short stem with fleshy leaves or leaf bases . The leaves often function as food storage organs during dormancy .
  4. Having the shape of or resembling a bulb, bloated; One who is overweight and round in shape; Growing from a bulb or producing bulbs
  5. (bulbousness) The state or condition of being bulbous
  6. An adjective used to describe a hollow-ware form with a rounded body and usually associated with measures.
  7. Refers to the residual limb being larger in circumference at the end than at the top.
  8. of a stipe, swollen at the base.
  9. A term used to define a stem form that has oval sides and a flat to slightly rounded basal edge.
  10. Having bulbs, or possessing the structure of a bulb.
  11. Residual limb is large on distal end near amputation site.
  12. Generally associated with an amputated prosthetic limb, where the bottom of the limb is larger in circumference than the area above the limb
  13. produces a bulb structure underneath the ground for storing nutrients for the following growing season.