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buglers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (bugler) someone who plays a bugle
  2. Buglers is a bus and coach company which operates from Bristol, England. The company runs coach day trips to various destinations around England. Passengers going on a day trip are usually picked up from either Bristol or Bath.
  3. (Bugler) The bugle is one of the simplest brass instruments, having no valves or other pitch-altering devices. All pitch control is done by varying the player's embouchure, since the bugle has no other mechanism for controlling pitch. ...
  4. (Bugler (rank)) Musician (Mus) is a rank equivalent to Private held by members of the Corps of Army Music of the British Army. The rank was also previously used in the United States Army.
  5. (Bugler (tobacco)) Bugler is the name of a roll-your-own brand of tobacco and rolling papers. The Bugler brand was first introduced in the United States in 1932 by Lane Limited. Lane is a subsidiary of the American Snuff Company, which is itself a division of Reynolds American. ...
  6. Bugles are a corn chip snack food from General Mills. They come in the following flavors: Chile Cheese, Nacho Cheese, Original, Sour Cream & Onion, Salsa, Smokin' BBQ, Churros, Southwest Ranch, Sweet and Salty Chocolate Peanut Butter, Sweet and Salty Caramel, Hot Buffalo, and Hot & Spicy BBQ ( ...
  7. (Bugler) The playing of Taps is one of the final activities at the committal, usually at the cemetery. Either an on-site bugler, if one is available, or a recorded playing of taps is acceptable. If live, the bugler stands about 75 feet from the burial site.
  8. (The Bugler) The Bugler is selected from the trumpet freshman each year, and acts as bugler for his whole sophomore year. ...
  9. (Bugles) are longer, tube-shaped seed beads that come in many sizes. Bugle beads have different lengths but all bugle beads will be longer than they are thick, creating a tubular shape.
  10. pub is situated in Ballyboden House on the Ballyboden Road in Ballyboden. John Blake was the first known publican to be granted the licence in 1799.