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buffs 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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buffs, plural;
  1. Polish (something)
    • - he buffed the glass until it gleamed
  2. Give (leather) a velvety finish by removing the surface of the grain

  1. A person who is enthusiastically interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject
    • - a computer buff

  1. (buff) of the yellowish-beige color of buff leather
  2. (buff) buffet: strike, beat repeatedly; "The wind buffeted him"
  3. (buff) fan: an ardent follower and admirer
  4. (buff) a soft thick undyed leather from the skins of e.g. buffalo or oxen
  5. (buff) polish and make shiny; "buff the wooden floors"; "buff my shoes"
  6. (buff) bare skin; naked; "swimming in the buff"
  7. The Buffs was an association football team formed of players from the Royal East Kent Regiment. It played in Hong Kong First Division League in the past. The team is now dissolved.
  8. The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment), formerly the 3rd Regiment of Foot was an infantry regiment of the British Army until 1961. ...
  9. (BUFF) The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is a long-range, subsonic, jet-powered strategic bomber designed and built by Boeing and operated by the United States Air Force (USAF).
  10. (Buff (Everquest terminology)) Buff is a term used in some video games, especially MMORPGs and MUDs, to describe increases in the power of a game element. There are two main usages. ...
  11. (Buff (headgear)) Buff is the registered trade mark for the multifunctional headwear produced by Original Buff S.A., a company based in Igualada, near Barcelona in Catalonia since they were established in 1992.
  12. (BUFF (Malmö Film Festival)) The International Children and Young People's Film Festival in Malmö. Swedish: Barn- och ungdomsfilmfestivalen i Malmö – BUFF, is a film festival in Malmö, Sweden, held in March.
  13. (BUFF) Big Ugly Fat Fellow (or Fucker); US Airforce nickname for the B-52 bomber
  14. (Buff) v. To attack viciously with intent to maim or kill.
  15. A Buff is a beneficial spell cast on a unit. An example of a "buff" is the Priest's Inner Fire or Shaman's Bloodlust.
  16. (BUFF) Brothers United for Future Foreskins, a restoration organisation ("mostly married heterosexuals" - Bud Berkeley)
  17. (BUFF) Any means employed by the transit authority to remove graffiti from trains. The more modern usage is when any graffiti is gone over or removed from any surface, not necessarily just from trains.
  18. (BUFF) In largely (but not exclusively) US usage, a term for that shade of beige, which corresponds to uniform facings worn during the American War of Independence by some general officers and by many line regiments of the Continental infantry. ...
  19. (Buff) A loaded tow, derived from Big Ugly Fat F***er.
  20. (Buff) A piece of quilted material (felt, muslin, leather, etc) used with abrasive materials. Buffs are both circular for used on polishing machines and flat for use by hand.
  21. (Buff) A rich golden orange color with a creamy cast.
  22. (Buff) A temporary beneficial spell or effect placed on a player or monster. An example would be Knowledge of Power, which increases the attack of a monster for 5 turns during battle.
  23. (Buff) A temporary boost to a character, usually improving health or another core statistic that improves weapon or magical attack damage. Think of it like a magical injection of caffeinated beverage without any of the drawbacks.
  24. (Buff) An ability that temporarily boosts a target's attributes or abilities, such as damage, movement speed, etc.
  25. (Buff) An increase in the power of a card in the next version of the game to fix balancing issues. For example, the Heal spell was buffed.