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buffoons 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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buffoons, plural;
  1. A ridiculous but amusing person; a clown

  1. (buffoon) clown: a rude or vulgar fool
  2. (buffoon) clown: a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior
  3. A jester, joker, jokester, fool, wit-cracker, prankster or buffoon was a person employed to tell jokes and provide general entertainment, typically by a European monarch. Jesters are stereotypically thought to have worn brightly colored clothes and eccentric hats in a motley pattern. ...
  4. (buffoon) One who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion; a clown or fool; An unintentionally ridiculous person; To behave like a buffoon
  5. (Buffoon) One whose buffness is redeemed by a sense of humour. It may be thought that a man with a sense of humour cannot be a buff. However, there are those, particularly in public life, whose buffness is manifest, and yet whose outer crust is penetrated by shafts of humour from within. ...
  6. (Buffoon) a stupid or foolish person who tries to be funny.