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buffeting 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The action of striking someone or something repeatedly and violently,
  1. The action of striking someone or something repeatedly and violently
    • - the roofs have survived the buffeting of worse winds than this
  2. The action or result of afflicting or harming someone, typically repeatedly or over a long period
    • - the buffeting that people are taking in lost job status
  3. Irregular oscillation of part of an aircraft, caused by turbulence

  1. pounding: repeated heavy blows
  2. (buffeted) pounded or hit repeatedly by storms or adversities
  3. Aeroelasticity is the science which studies the interactions among inertial, elastic, and aerodynamic forces. ...
  4. A blow or motion that buffets
  5. (buffeted) Battered, especially by strong wind
  6. (buffeted) [v] given blows, hits
  7. (buffeted) struck powerfully, blown about
  8. quick-cycling wind turbulence, especially bothersome when following large vehicles.
  9. Repeated forces experienced by a model due to disturbed unsteady airflow.