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budding 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a plant) Having or developing buds,
  1. (of a plant) Having or developing buds
    • - a budding chrysanthemum
  2. (of a part of the body) Becoming larger as part of the process of normal growth

  3. (of a person) Beginning and showing signs of promise in a particular career or field
    • - budding young actors
  4. Just beginning and showing promising signs of continuing
    • - their budding relationship

  1. beginning to develop; "a budding genius"
  2. reproduction of some unicellular organisms (such as yeasts) by growth and specialization followed by the separation by constriction of a part of the parent
  3. (bud) a partially opened flower
  4. (bud) develop buds; "The hibiscus is budding!"
  5. (bud) a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
  6. (bud) start to grow or develop; "a budding friendship"
  7. Budding is a form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism grows on another one. The new organism remains attached as it grows, separating from the parent organism only when it is mature. ...
  8. The annual growth cycle of grapevines is the process that takes place in the vineyard each year, beginning with bud break in the spring and culminating in leaf fall in autumn followed by winter dormancy. ...
  9. (Bud) In botany, a bud is an undeveloped or embryonic shoot and normally occurs in the axil of a leaf or at the tip of the stem. Once formed, a bud may remain for some time in a dormant condition, or it may form a shoot immediately.
  10. (Bud (canine)) Horatio Nelson Jackson (March 25, 1872 - January 14, 1955) was the first person to drive an automobile across the United States, in an early example of rallying (albeit with just two other competitors).
  11. (Bud (Cars)) This is a list of characters from the 2006 Pixar film Cars.
  12. (Bud (Saint Seiya)) This article comprises a list of the characters that play a role in Saint Seiya (also known as Knights of the Zodiac), a manga series about a group of five mystical warriors, written and illustrated by Japanese mangaka Masami Kurumada, and later adapted to anime.
  13. (Bud) A male nickname; A nickname for the beer Budweiser
  14. (bud) A newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded; Potent cannabis taken from the flowering part of the plant (the bud), or marijuana generally; A small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism; A weaned calf ...
  15. (Bud) A protuberance on a stem, from which a flower, leaf, or shoot develops
  16. (Bud) Term used to describe a particular thumb piece type frequently found on baluster measures. A roughly "T"-shaped thumbpiece with each of the two side projections resembling a leafed bud.
  17. (bud) A shoot containing embryonic leaves or flowers.
  18. (bud) immature vegetative or floral shoot, often covered by scales
  19. A flower bud develops into a flower. A growth bud is at the end of a stem or along the sides of a stem and will develop into new leafy growth.
  20. (bud) An undeveloped leafy shoot or flower.
  21. (Bud) The fresh or dried flowers of a female cannabis plant/ a small lump of weed.
  22. (bud) Early stages of development of a flower or plant growth.
  23. (Bud) A condensed shoot that contains a leaf or flower.
  24. (Bud) the flower before it is opened.
  25. (Bud (BC)) Our world famous Ghanja. If you smoke and you don’t know what B.C. Bud is, you’re probably smoking skunk weed or oregano.