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bucketing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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buckets, 3rd person singular present; bucketed, past tense; bucketed, past participle; bucketing, present participle;
  1. Rain heavily
    • - it was still bucketing down
  2. (of a vehicle) Move quickly and jerkily
    • - the car came bucketing out of a side road

  1. (bucketed) A reporting system that accumulates multiple daily records into a larger, user-specified time frame (weeks, quarters, years, etc.). Enables easier analysis when daily detail is not required.
  2. Directly or indirectly taking the opposite side of a customer's order into a broker's own account or into an account in which a broker has an interest, without open and competitive execution of the order on an exchange.
  3. Confirming a transaction where no trade has been executed.
  4. Where, in an attempt to make a quick profit, a broker confirms an order to a client without actually executing it. If the eventual price that the order was executed at was higher than the price available when the order was submitted, the customer would simply pay the higher price. ...
  5. Interest rate risk management which matches interest rate exposure of future inflows and outflows, with offsetting interest rate exposure at pre-determined future dates.