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bucked 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bucked, past tense; bucked, past participle; bucks, 3rd person singular present; bucking, present participle;
  1. (of a horse) To perform a buck
    • - he's got to get his head down to buck
    • - she bucked them off if they tried to get on her back
  2. (of a vehicle) Make sudden jerky movements
    • - the boat began to buck in the water
  3. Oppose or resist (something that seems oppressive or inevitable)
    • - the shares bucked the market trend
  4. Make (someone) more cheerful
    • - Bella and Jim need me to buck them up
    • - buck up, kid, it's not the end of the world

  1. Bucking is a movement performed by a horse or bull in which the animal lowers his head and raises his hindquarters into the air, usually while kicking out with his hind legs. If powerful, it may unseat the rider enough so that he falls off.
  2. (Bucking) Cutting a felled tree into shorter specified log lengths; rough cutting logs for length.
  3. (Bucking) A sudden humping or arching of the back with the head and neck lowered, usually kicking out with the hindlegs or jumping/bounding forwards/sideways with an arched back and ears laid back (Waring, 2003). Bucking is a manoeuvre that evolved to dislodge predators. ...
  4. (Bucking) A behavior where the horse lowers its head and rapidly kicks its hind feet into the air.^ At liberty, seen as an expression of excess energy or high spirit, under saddle is generally considered a disobedience, except in sports such as the rodeo sports of Saddle bronc and bareback ...
  5. (Bucking) Bowing or lateral deflection of compression springs when compressed, related to the slenderness ratio (L/D).
  6. (bucking) (v.): To buck in this instance is to throw large bags of grain on a truck. Barley is poured into large burlap bags (75 or more pounds) and passed brigade-style (in a line) to the truck.
  7. Generally used at the start or shortly thereafter. Instead of settling into stride, a horse is erratic and rank, looking similar to a bucking horse in the rodeo.