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bucks, plural;
  1. Lowest of a particular rank
    • - a buck private
  1. (of a horse) To perform a buck
    • - he's got to get his head down to buck
    • - she bucked them off if they tried to get on her back
  2. (of a vehicle) Make sudden jerky movements
    • - the boat began to buck in the water
  3. Oppose or resist (something that seems oppressive or inevitable)
    • - the shares bucked the market trend
  4. Make (someone) more cheerful
    • - Bella and Jim need me to buck them up
    • - buck up, kid, it's not the end of the world
  1. An article placed as a reminder before a player whose turn it is to deal at poker

  1. to strive with determination; "John is bucking for a promotion"
  2. vaulting horse: a gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated; used lengthwise for vaulting
  3. dollar: a piece of paper money worth one dollar
  4. resist; "buck the trend"
  5. United States author whose novels drew on her experiences as a missionary in China (1892-1973)
  6. tear: move quickly and violently; "The car tore down the street"; "He came charging into my office"
  7. BUCK is the first major full-length album released by Christian ska band BUCK Enterprises. The album was released under the band's name of BUCK. The enhanced portion of the disc contained a video about BUCK Enterprises, then known as BUCK.
  8. Buck, and also mule, are slightly antiquated names for a family of historic mixed drinks that involve ginger ale or ginger beer, citrus juice, and any of a number of base liquors.
  9. Buck is a crater in the Navka region of Venus. It has the terraced walls, flat radar-dark floor, and central peak that are characteristic of craters classified as 'complex'. The central peak on its floor is unusually large. ...
  10. In poker, the buck or dealer button is a marker used to indicate the player who is dealing or, in casino games with a house dealer, the player who acts last on that deal (who would be the dealer in a home game). ...
  11. The surname Buck can refer to: *Antony Buck (1928–2003), British politician *C. Douglass Buck (1890-1965), American engineer and politician, Governor and Senator of Delaware *Carl Darling Buck (1866–1955), American linguist *Carrie Buck (1906–1983), unsuccessful plaintiff in Buck v. ...
  12. Charles Michael 'Bucky' Lasek (born December 3, 1972 in Dundalk, Maryland) is a professional skateboarder.
  13. A male deer, antelope, sheep, goat, rabbit, hare, and sometimes the male of other animals such as the ferret and shad; An uncastrated sheep, a ram; A young buck; an adventurous, impetuous, dashing, or high-spirited young man; A fop or dandy; A black or Native American man; A dollar (one ...
  14. (BUCKS) Drink made with an ounce or so of liquor and lemon juice plus ginger ale, and topped with a twist of lemon.
  15. (Bucks) Similar to a Rickey, a Buck contains one base spirit with lemon or lime juice, but is made with ginger ale.
  16. Often used in reference to rough frame opening members. Door bucks used in reference to metal door frame.
  17. to cut trees into shorter lengths, such as logs or cordwood.
  18. To a sports bettor, a buck is a bet size. For a bet on a dog, a buck is $100. for a bet on a favorite, a buck is whatever amount of money must be risked to win $100.
  19. Sports betting term for a $100 wager.
  20. Frame for a door, usually made of metal, into which the finished door fits.
  21. The jamb stud or header; wood buck.
  22. a Catholic priest good for a dollar
  23. A leap in the air with the head lowered and the back arched.
  24. a bet of $100 also known as a “dollar bet”.
  25. A token used to mark the position of the dealer.