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bubbled 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bubbles, 3rd person singular present; bubbling, present participle; bubbled, past tense; bubbled, past participle;
  1. (of a liquid) Contain bubbles of air or gas rising to the surface
    • - a pot of soup bubbled away on the stove
  2. Make a sound resembling this
    • - a bubbling fountain
  3. (of a person) Be exuberantly filled with an irrepressible positive feeling
    • - Ellen was bubbling with such enthusiasm
  4. (esp. of a negative feeling) Become more intense and approach the point of being vehemently expressed
    • - the fury bubbling up inside her

  1. (bubbling) emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation; "bubbling champagne"; "foamy (or frothy) beer"
  2. (bubbling) marked by high spirits or excitement; "his fertile effervescent mind"; "scintillating personality"; "a row of sparkly cheerleaders"
  3. Bubbling is a type of dance similar to grinding. It has roots in Caribbean music played in clubs in the Netherlands.
  4. (Bubbling) In glazing, open or closed pockets in a sealant caused by release, production or expansion of gasses.
  5. (bubbling) a temporary or permanent film defect in which bubbles of air or solvent vapor are present in the applied film.
  6. (Bubbling) events are events that travel up the containment hierarchy. For example, MouseDown is a bubbling event. It is raised first by the element that is clicked. ...
  7. (Bubbling) Label defect similar in shape to a blister where label is not firmly adhered to container.
  8. (Bubbling) Refers to an imperfection where the paint bubbles, often caused by heat or rust underneath.
  9. (Bubbling) Rising up, coming up. Bubbling under.
  10. (Bubbling) The process of removing any air bubbles from your jars before applying the lids and rings. This is done to help prevent liquid loss during or after processing.
  11. (Bubbling) Trapped bubbles of air or vapors that erupt on a painted surface during application or drying.
  12. (Bubbling) or Purring – This sound is made when the guinea pig is enjoying itself, such as when being petted or held. They may also make this sound when grooming, crawling around to investigate a new place, or when given food.  listen (help·info)
  13. Eliminating a player from a tournament in the last positions that do not receive financial prizes.
  14. (slang) A gate, station, or other high traffic area that has a warp disruption field deployed nearby.
  15. When a player is knocked out of a tournament in the final place before the prize money.
  16. When a player finds himself out of the game without winning any money.