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brutalized 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brutalizing, present participle; brutalised, past participle; brutalized, past participle; brutalized, past tense; brutalising, present participle; brutalizes, 3rd person singular present; brutalises, 3rd person singular present; brutalised, past tense;
  1. Attack (someone) in a savage and violent way
    • - they brutalize and torture persons in their custody
  2. Desensitize (someone) to the pain or suffering of others by exposing them to violent behavior or situations
    • - he had been brutalized in prison and became cynical
    • - the brutalizing effects of warfare

  1. (brutality) ferociousness: the trait of extreme cruelty
  2. (brutality) a brutal barbarous savage act
  3. (brutalization) the condition of being treated in a cruel and savage manner
  4. (brutalization) the activity of treating someone savagely or viciously
  5. (brutalization) an act that makes people cruel or lacking normal human qualities
  6. (brutalize) treat brutally
  7. (Brutality (band)) Brutality was a death metal band from Tampa, Florida, USA. The band was founded in 1986 as Abomination by Larry Sapp and Jeff Acres. The band quickly changed their name to Darkness and finally settled on Brutality in spring 1987. ...
  8. (Brutality (film)) Brutality is a 1912 drama film directed by D. W. Griffith.
  9. (Brutality (Mortal Kombat)) In the Mortal Kombat series of fighting games, a Fatality is a usually lethal finishing move that can be used against one's opponent at the end of the final match after the announcer says "Finish Him/Her. ...
  10. (Brutality) A major foul which includes deliberately attacking, striking or kicking an opponent or making disproportionate movements with that intent or to endanger another player in any way. The offending player is excluded from the remainder of the game and a penalty throw is awarded.
  11. (brutality) An exclusion foul called for very rough play, such as punching or kicking an opponent or official.
  12. (Brutality) When a player deliberately goes out of his/her way to hit, kick or strike towards an opposing player.
  13. (Brutality) actions which are performed with an unacceptable level of force or violence which causes discomfort to the opponent
  14. (brutality) A violent foul with intention to harm. The fouling player is ejected from the game without substitution. The opponents are awarded a penalty shot, and the ejected player's team plays one man down for the next four minutes of game time. ...
  15. (brutality) formerly known as quakemania, brutality featured up-to-date news, files and a host of hosted gaming sites.