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brutalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brutalizing, present participle; brutalised, past participle; brutalized, past participle; brutalized, past tense; brutalising, present participle; brutalizes, 3rd person singular present; brutalises, 3rd person singular present; brutalised, past tense;
  1. Attack (someone) in a savage and violent way
    • - they brutalize and torture persons in their custody
  2. Desensitize (someone) to the pain or suffering of others by exposing them to violent behavior or situations
    • - he had been brutalized in prison and became cynical
    • - the brutalizing effects of warfare

  1. treat brutally
  2. make brutal, unfeeling, or inhuman; "Life in the camps had brutalized him"
  3. become brutal or insensitive and unfeeling
  4. (brutalization) the condition of being treated in a cruel and savage manner
  5. (brutalization) the activity of treating someone savagely or viciously
  6. (brutalization) an act that makes people cruel or lacking normal human qualities
  7. (brutalization) The act or process of making brutal; An instance of being brutalized