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brushes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brushes, plural;
  1. Remove (dust or dirt) by sweeping or scrubbing
    • - we'll be able to brush the mud off easily
    • - he brushed himself down
  2. Use a brush or one's hand to remove dust or dirt from (something)
    • - she brushed down her best coat
  3. Clean (one's teeth) by scrubbing with a brush

  4. Arrange (one's hair) by running a brush through it

  5. Apply a liquid to (a surface) with a brush
    • - brush the potatoes with oil
  6. Apply (a liquid or substance) to a surface
    • - brush on a floor enamel for a long-lasting base coat
  7. Touch lightly and gently
    • - stems of grass brush against her legs
  8. Touch fleetingly and in passing
    • - she brushed past him to leave the room
  9. Push (something) away with a quick movement of the hand
    • - she brushed a wisp of hair away from her face
  10. Dismiss (something) curtly and confidently
    • - people brushed aside the possibility of imminent war
  11. Dismiss in an abrupt, contemptuous way
    • - the state brushed off the idea as something that would never happen
  1. An implement with a handle, consisting of bristles, hair, or wire set into a block, used for cleaning or scrubbing, applying a liquid or powder to a surface, arranging the hair, or other purposes
    • - a paint brush
  2. An act of sweeping, applying, or arranging with such an implement or with one's hand
    • - he gave the seat a brush
  3. A thin stick set with long wire bristles, used to make a soft hissing sound on drums or cymbals

  4. The bushy tail of a fox

  5. A slight and fleeting touch
    • - the lightest brush of his lips against her cheek
  6. A brief and typically unpleasant or unwelcome encounter with someone or something
    • - a brush with death
  7. A piece of carbon or metal serving as an electrical contact with a moving part in a motor or alternator

  1. (brush) rub with a brush, or as if with a brush; "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket"
  2. (brush) a dense growth of bushes
  3. (brush) an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
  4. (brush) touch lightly and briefly; "He brushed the wall lightly"
  5. (brush) momentary contact
  6. (brush) conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor
  7. The term brush refers to devices with bristles, wire or other filaments, used for cleaning, grooming hair, make up, painting, surface finishing and for many other purposes.
  8. (brush) An implement consisting of multiple more or less flexible bristles or other filaments attached to a handle, used for any of various purposes including cleaning, painting, and arranging hair; A piece of conductive material, usually carbon, serving to maintain electrical contact between ...
  9. (Brush) A collective term that refers to stands of vegetation dominated by shrubby, woody plants, or low growing trees, usually of a type undesirable for livestock or timber management.
  10. (Brush) To apply a liquid, like a glaze, to the surface of food using a pastry brush.
  11. (brush) A casino employee whose job it is to greet players entering the poker room, maintain the list of persons waiting to play, announce open seats, and various other duties (including brushing off tables to prepare them for new games, whence the name).
  12. (Brush) steel wire bristled hand brush, disc brush for a hand grinder, cup brush for hand grinder, or wheel brush for bench grinder. They’re used to clean mill scale, oxidation, dirt, oil etc. off of steel surfaces. ...
  13. (Brush) Current conducting material in a DC motor, usually graphite, or a combination of graphite and other materials. The brush rides on the commutator of a motor and forms an electrical connection between the armature and the power source.
  14. (Brush) A card room employee responsible for managing the seating list.
  15. (Brush) British Rail Class 47, also known as the "Brush Type 4". Followers of this type are often known as "Brush bashers".
  16. (Brush) a tool used to apply paints and inks to a surface, consisting of hairs, or bristles held in place by a ferrule attached to a handle. The quality of the hair determines the brush’s quality and cost. ...
  17. (Brush) This graphite or copper made conducting element maintains sliding electrical contact between static and moving element.
  18. Brush your foot forward and upwards past the weight bearing foot.
  19. (brush) small trees and shrubs
  20. (Brush) Swing the free foot forward or back with the sole of the foot brushing the floor as it moves.
  21. (Brush) Danced on count 4 of the preceding bar mainly in jigs and polkas, the ball of the foot briefly taps the floor and is lifted before being brought down again on count 1 of the step. In calling a dance the term more often used is 'tip' because of its harder sound.
  22. (000 Brush) The smallest size of brush, typically used to paint small detail.
  23. (3. brush) a bundle of twigs, straw, or grass attached to a handle used to sweep things
  24. (BRUSH) A device which rubs against a rotating slip ring or commutator to provide a passage for electric current to a stationary conductor.
  25. (BRUSH) A device, usually of carbon or graphite composition, used to connect a circuit with the rotating or moving portion of a DC motor, generator or other electrical device.   It carries current to and from the non-moving parts of connections.