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brushed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having been treated with a brush, in particular,
  1. Having been treated with a brush, in particular

  2. (of fabric) Having a soft raised nap
    • - brushed cotton
  3. (of metal) Finished with a nonreflective surface
    • - brushed aluminum

  1. touched lightly in passing; grazed against; "of all the people brushed against in a normal day on a city street I remember not a one"
  2. (of hair or clothing) groomed with a brush; "with shining hair neatly brushed"; "the freshly brushed clothes hung in the closet"
  3. (of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushing; "a dress of brushed cotton"; "a fleecy lining"; "napped fabrics"
  4. (brushing) brush: the act of brushing your teeth; "the dentist recommended two brushes a day"
  5. rubbed, especially as a finish
  6. (Brushing) A finishing process in which circular rotating brushes raise the nap on knit or woven fabrics.
  7. (Brushing (Silk)) Act of transferring newly hatched silkworms from the egg sheets on to the rearing trays; or act of removal of floss from the cooked and boiled cocoons for collection of ends for reeling.
  8. (Brushing) This is a crucial part of home dental care.  Orthodontists recommend those wearing braces to brush after every meal and snack to eliminate bacteria and plaque.
  9. (Brushing) a mechanical fabric finishing process that raises the nap of the fabric, sort of like combing, giving it a softer feel. Flannel is a brushed fabric.
  10. Brushing the teeth is part of an individual’s daily home dental care.  Patients with braces should follow the orthodontist’s instruction on how often to brush.
  11. (Brushing) Where the hoof or shoe hits the inside of the opposite leg, at or near the fetlock. Usually caused by poor conformation or action.
  12. (BRUSHING) The act of moving the brush back and forth across the ice in front of a moving stone.
  13. (Brushing) A special brush, loofah or rough cloth is rapidly brushed over the body to remove dead skin cells and boost blood circulation. Also known as dry brushing.
  14. (Brushing) In Minnesota, parallel vertical lines on exterior rim surfaces caused by dragging grass or some other material down the rim surface. Brushing is considered an attribute of decoration. ...
  15. (Brushing) Light contact of the inside of one foot contacting the leg or hoof of the other leg.
  16. (Brushing) Substituting cards or dice in a game
  17. (Brushing) a silviculture activity done by chemical, manual, grazing, or mechanical means to control competing forest vegetation and reduce competition for space, light, moisture, and nutrients with crop trees or seedlings.
  18. (Brushing) scuffing up the nap on fabric to provide a softer surface texture.
  19. (brushing) The practice of lifting excessive leaf and stem growth off grasses before mowing. Usually accomplished with brushes affixed to mowers ahead of the cutting reel.
  20. Certain types of natural rind cheeses, cooked and uncooked varieties, have their rinds brushed during the period they spend ripening. ...
  21. After honing the stone is wire brushed, giving a consistent textured finish.
  22. a method of modifying the surface of ceramic vessels by smoothing the still wet clay with a grass brush. This produces a heavily scored or striated appearance.
  23. past participle adjective (fabric) gratté.
  24. a technique used to produce pictographs that employs a brush to apply the paint, producing an image with tell-tale brush marks.
  25. a manufacturing process applied to the timber to textures the surface, usually carried out by copper brushes.