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brunettes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brunets, plural; brunettes, plural;
  1. Having dark brown hair
    • - a fresh-faced brunette woman in her thirties
  2. (of hair) Dark brown
    • - her lustrous brunette tresses

  1. (brunette) brunet: marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes; "a brunette beauty"
  2. Brown hair is the second most common human hair color.
  3. The Brunettes are an indie pop or twee pop group from New Zealand formed in 1998. The band consists of core members Jonathan Bree and Heather Mansfield with additional contributions from part-time band members including James Milne (of The Reduction Agents and Lawrence Arabia), Ryan McPhun (of ...
  4. Hotter than blondes (see also Blondes)