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brucellosis 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A bacterial disease typically affecting cattle and buffalo and causing undulant fever in humans,
  1. A bacterial disease typically affecting cattle and buffalo and causing undulant fever in humans

  1. infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by contact with infected animals or infected meat or milk products; characterized by fever and headache
  2. an infectious disease of domestic animals often resulting in spontaneous abortion; transmittable to human beings
  3. (brucella) an aerobic Gram-negative coccobacillus that causes brucellosis; can be used as a bioweapon
  4. Brucellosis, also called Bang's disease, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Maltese fever, Mediterranean fever, rock fever, or undulant fever, is a highly contagious zoonosis caused by ingestion of unsterilized milk or meat from infected animals, or close contact with their secretions. ...
  5. Brucella is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria. They are small (0.5 to 0.7 by 0.6 to 1.5 µm), non-motile, non-encapsulated coccobacilli, which function as facultative intracellular parasites.
  6. infection by the bacterium, Brucella, which is carried by ruminants. Symptoms include recurring fevers, sweating, weakness, anorexia, headaches, depression and generalized aches and pains
  7. An infection resulting in abortion in females and inflammation and damage to the testicles in males, caused by the bacterium Brucella abortus. Also known as Bang's disease. See Calfhood Vaccination.
  8. A highly contagious and infectious disease associated with abortion in bitches in the last quarter of gestation, sterility, and stillbirths. A testicle trouble in male dogs. It can be diagnosed through blood tests. Infected dogs should be isolated
  9. disease caused by the organism Brucella canis. Often responsible for infertility in dogs
  10. A highly contagious disease of cattle, goats, sheep, and swine that can be transmitted to humans (undulant fever). The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service conducts an eradication program that is expected to eliminate brucellosis from U.S. cattle herds by the end of 1999.
  11. Disease caused by infection with organisms of the genus Brucella.
  12. broo-suh-LOW-suhs/ Spontaneous abortion in cattle and sheep. A highly infectious and economically important disease caused by the motile bacterium Vibrio fetus.
  13. bacterial disease, especially of cattle, causing undulant fever in humans.
  14. A generalized infection involving the reticuloendothelial system caused by species of microorganism genus Brucella, that is contracted through contact with goats, cattle, pigs, and dogs.
  15. A highly contagious canine venereal disease which can also be transmitted non-sexually. Both male and female should be checked for this incurable disease before breeding.
  16. A contagious bacterial disease that results in abortions; also called Bang's disease.
  17. from domestic livestock.
  18. (in  brucellosis (pathology))