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browsed 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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browsed, past participle; browses, 3rd person singular present; browsing, present participle; browsed, past tense;
  1. Survey objects casually, esp. goods for sale
    • - he stopped to browse around a sporting goods store
  2. Scan through a book or magazine superficially to gain an impression of the contents
    • - she browsed through the newspaper
    • - patrons can browse the shelves of the library
  3. Read or survey (data files), typically via a network

  4. (of an animal) Feed on leaves, twigs, or other high-growing vegetation
    • - they reach upward to browse on bushes
    • - the animals browse the high foliage of trees

  1. (browsing) browse: reading superficially or at random
  2. (browsing) browse: the act of feeding by continual nibbling
  3. (Browsing (predation)) Browsing is a type of predation in which a herbivore (or, more narrowly defined, a folivore) feeds on leaves, soft shoots, or fruits of high growing, generally woody, plants such as shrubs.Chapman, J.L. and Reiss, M.J., Ecology: Principles and Applications. Cambridge, U.K. ...
  4. (BROWSING) Going to different websites on the internet and looking around. Taking a casual look around for anything that may be of interest.
  5. (Browsing) The use of a browser to view information on the Internet.
  6. (Browsing) A method of feeding by herbivores, in which the leaves and peripheral shoots are removed from trees and shrubs.
  7. (Browsing) A term that refers to exploring an online area, usually on the World Wide Web.
  8. (Browsing) As you move your mouse cursor over any word in the description, you see that the word gets underlined and the mouse cursor changes into a hand (exactly the same as you move over a link on an web page).
  9. (Browsing) Current popular fiction and non-fiction books are shelved in browsing collections in Honnold/Mudd Library.
  10. (Browsing) Goats moving from place to place as they eat various foliage and browse along the path.
  11. (Browsing) It's the same pattern, whether you're walking through a large store, or browsing on the Web, you're using a somewhat random way of locating something, where one thing can lead to another. ...
  12. (Browsing) Novell Directory Services (NDS) performs the necessary role of a name server within a multiple-server environment. During login, NDS provides essential name services to unauthenticated users so they can find trees or servers. ...
  13. (Browsing) One of two major strategies used to find information on a Web site, browsing is characterized by examining pages, and taking links that seem to take one closer to some goal Web page (whether or not that Web page actually exists). Also see searching.
  14. (Browsing) Patron activity of looking along library shelves to find a good book to read.
  15. (Browsing) The mode of eating of a Graminivorous animal.
  16. (Browsing) The process of following paths through a site, resulting in the acquisition of specific content objects. ...
  17. (Browsing) The process of navigating around the i-mode portal and viewing content. i-mode browsing is charged at £3 per mega byte (MB). A MB is the total weight/size of pages that can be viewed for £3. ...
  18. (Browsing) To look leisurely or randomly through a library collection, book, magazine or other publications. Recently it also means scanning through Web pages for information.
  19. (browsing) (n.) Within Java Enterprise System Portal Server, refers to looking through the categorical divisions of the resources in a Search database.
  20. (browsing) Act of searching through IS storage to locate or acquire information, without necessarily knowing the existence or format of information being sought. ...
  21. (browsing) Exploration of a body of information, based on the organization of the collections or scanning lists, rather than by direct searching.
  22. (browsing) Navigating through a folder hierarchy, for example in a dialog box or in Windows Explorer, to select a folder or file.
  23. (browsing) To look through a library collection, catalogue, bibliography, index, bibliographic database in a casual search for items of interest, without clearly defined intentions.
  24. Browsing is a user interface on a computer that allows navigation of objects.
  25. Browsing is when you are clicking through the site trying to find content. You can browse the site for various content. Browsing will most often pertain to browsing our library content. There are many tools and widgets that will allow you to browse content more simply.