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browner 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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browner, comparative; brownest, superlative;
  1. Of a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and black, as of dark wood or rich soil
    • - an old brown coat
    • - she had warm brown eyes
  2. Dark-skinned or suntanned
    • - his face was brown from the sun
  3. (of bread) Made from a dark, unsifted, or unbleached flour

  1. Browner is an American surname, and may refer to: * Brandon Browner (born 1984), American football cornerback * Carol Browner (born 1955), American environmentalist * Joey Browner (born 1960), American football safety * Keith Browner (born 1962), American football defensive end * Ross Browner ( ...
  2. comparative form of brown: more brown