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browbeat 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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browbeating, present participle; browbeat, past tense; browbeats, 3rd person singular present; browbeaten, past participle;
  1. Intimidate (someone), typically into doing something, with stern or abusive words
    • - a witness is being browbeaten under cross-examination

  1. strong-arm: be bossy towards; "Her big brother always bullied her when she was young"
  2. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner; intimidate
  3. To bully in an intimidating, bossy, or supercilious way
  4. (browbeaten) intimidated or subjugated
  5. (Browbeating) intimidating by overbearing looks or words; bullying: ex. They browbeat him into agreeing.