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brook 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brooks, plural;
  1. Tolerate or allow (something, typically dissent or opposition)
    • - Jenny would brook no criticism of Matthew
  1. A small stream

  1. a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river); "the creek dried up every summer"
  2. digest: put up with something or somebody unpleasant; "I cannot bear his constant criticism"; "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"; "he learned to tolerate the heat"; "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"
  3. (brooks) United States literary critic and historian (1886-1963)
  4. The One Piece manga and anime series features an extensive cast of characters created by Eiichiro Oda. ...
  5. BrookGPU is the Stanford University Graphics group's compiler and runtime implementation of the Brook stream programming language for using modern graphics hardware for non-graphical, general purpose computations. ...
  6. The Brook, also called the Brook Club, is a private gentlemen's club located at 111 East 54th Street in Manhattan (New York City).
  7. (Brooks (mango)) The Brooks mango (also known as Brooks Late) is a late-season commercial mango cultivar that originated in south Florida. It is the parent of several varieties from the state.
  8. (Brooks (surname)) Brooks is a surname of English origin, that is thought to have been derived from the condition of residing near a stream (or brook). ...
  9. (Brooks (vocal group)) Brooks was a London-based pop vocal group formed in the late 1970's. The group is noteworthy since two of its members went on to have successful musical careers, independently of each other: Mike Nolan, of Bucks Fizz, and Chris Hamill, a.k.a. Limahl, of Kajagoogoo.
  10. (A. Brooks) Albert Brooks (born July 22, 1947) is an American actor, voice actor, writer, comedian and director. He received an Academy Award nomination in 1987 for his role in Broadcast News. ...
  11. (The Brooks) The Brooks is a shopping centre in Winchester, Hampshire, England. It was opened in the early 1990s and remains the only indoor shopping centre in Winchester. ...
  12. a body of running water smaller than a river; a small stream; a water meadow; low, marshy ground; To use; enjoy; have the full employment of; To earn; deserve; To bear; endure; support; put up with; tolerate (usually used in the negative)
  13. (Brooks) An athletic shoe company headquartered in Washington State, best known for making shoes for runners.
  14. (Brooks) Origin Miami, 1916. Seedling of Sandersha. Tree somewhat dwarf. Fruit medium to large (10-20 oz.), kidney-shaped, green with yellow shoulder, rather fibrous. Very late. Resistant to anthracnose. For greenhouse and containers.
  15. (Brooks) The world's foremost maker of leather saddles. Brooks is based in England, and is one of the oldest companies in the bicycle industry. It was formerly also the leading maker of English-style touring bags.
  16. Verb: to put up with, tolerate. It may have meant to use in ancient times and is akin to the German brauchen which means to need.
  17. A small stream that crosses between two other bodies of water (thus "brooking" them). It is usually small and easily forded. Also the Scottish term for a creek.
  18. (v) - to endure, tolerate
  19. To dream of clear running water signifies that friends are true, but if the brook is run dry this indicates that lost property will be recovered. To see a brook near your home denotes advancements.
  20. is used in the Midlands.