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brooder 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brooders, plural;
  1. A heated house for chicks or piglets

  2. A person who broods about something

  1. incubator: apparatus consisting of a box designed to maintain a constant temperature by the use of a thermostat; used for chicks or premature infants
  2. The nurseryfishes or forehead brooders are a family (Kurtidae) of fish that are notable for carrying their egg clusters on hooks protruding from the forehead (supraoccipital) of the males. The family consists of just two species in the single genus Kurtus.
  3. A person who broods; A heated box used for chicks or premature babies
  4. (Brooders) are most often ahermatypic (non-reef building), or some hermatypic corals which are in areas of high current or wave action. ...
  5. the equipment used to provide supplementary warmth during the early stages of the chickens’ life. The energy used may come from electricity, gas, oil or from other sources.
  6. A heated chamber used to keep young chicks warm.
  7. Definition: A brooder is a temperature and humidity controlled enclosure that bird breeders use to house newly hatched birds and keep them in a safe and warm environment.
  8. Fish that have reached reproductive maturity.