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brooches 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brooches, plural;
  1. An ornament fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch

  1. (brooch) a decorative pin worn by women
  2. (brooch) fasten with or as if with a brooch
  3. A brooch ; also known in ancient times as a fibula; sometimes spelled broach, a homophone meaning both to open a cask and begin a new discussion, is a decorative jewelry item designed to be attached to garments. ...
  4. (brooch) A piece of women’s ornamental jewellery having a pin allowing it to be fixed to garments worn on the upper body
  5. (Brooch) An ornamental piece of jewelry with a pin and clasp to be attached to clothing.
  6. (Brooch) from the  French word "broche" which means to skewer.
  7. (Brooch) Any piece of jewelry that may be pinned to clothing.
  8. (BROOCH) To dream you are wearing a brooch depends upon where you are. It is a fortunate omen if you are in your own home, but to be in a strange place denotes that troubles are on the way. To buy a brooch in a dream signifies that someone will try to deceive you. ...
  9. (Brooch) An ornamental piece of jewellery which has a pin back for affixing it to clothing or hats. Usually larger in scale than the ones referred to as "pins".
  10. (Brooch) An ornamental pin that is attached or fastened by a catch. Broaches were originally worn as a fashioning for clothing.
  11. (Brooch) Jewellery that pins onto garments; originally an ornamental clasp or form of fastening; pin [USA]
  12. (brooch) (bruciare) -- (1) to reprove betimes with sharpness; (2) to confound doctrinally by nimble use of scriptural reference; some missionaries make a hobby of brooching evangelists of other sects.
  13. (brooch) an ornament held by a pin or clasp and worn near the neck.
  14. A brooch is a piece of jewellery attached to the wearer's clothing by a pin, which is usually part of the brooch itself. Brooches can be purely decorative, or used to secure or fasten cloaks, scarves and wraps. ...
  15. Brooch of Protection
  16. Pastel Crystal & Pearl Brooch