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bronzes 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bronzes, plural;
  1. Make (a person or part of the body) suntanned
    • - Alison was bronzed by outdoor life
  2. Give a surface of bronze or something resembling bronze to
    • - the doors were bronzed with sculpted reliefs
  1. A yellowish-brown alloy of copper with up to one-third tin

  2. A yellowish-brown color
    • - rich, gleaming shades of bronze
  3. A work of sculpture or other object made of bronze

  1. (bronzed) (of skin) having a tan color from exposure to the sun; "a young bronzed Apollo"
  2. Bronze is a metal alloy consisting primarily of copper, usually with tin as the main additive, but sometimes with other elements such as phosphorus, manganese, aluminum, or silicon. ...
  3. (Bronzed) Bronzing is a process by which a bronze-like surface is applied to other materials (metallic or non-metallic). ...