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bronchoscope 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bronchoscopes, plural;
  1. A fiber-optic cable that is passed into the windpipe in order to view the bronchi

  1. a slender tubular instrument used to examine the bronchial tubes
  2. (bronchoscopic) of or relating to an instrument for examining the interior of the bronchi
  3. Bronchoscopy is a technique of visualizing the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. An instrument (bronchoscope) is inserted into the airways, usually through the nose or mouth, or occasionally through a tracheostomy. ...
  4. (Bronchoscopy) The insertion of a flexible, lighted tube through the mouth into the lungs to examine the lungs and airways.
  5. (Bronchoscopy (bron-KOS-ko-pee)) A procedure in which a thin, lighted tube is inserted through the nose or mouth. This allows examination of the inside of the trachea and bronchi (passages that deliver air to the lungs), as well as the lung. ...
  6. (Bronchoscopy) a diagnostic procedure in which your doctor uses a scope (a tube with a camera on the end) to take a look at the inside of the airways and lungs. Lung tissue biopsies can be obtained during a bronchoscopy.
  7. (Bronchoscopy) A procedure during which an examiner uses a viewing tube to evaluate a patient's lung and airways
  8. (Bronchoscopy) A procedure in which a small camera is attached to a tube that goes down the trachea to look for lung disease and take samples of lung secretions or lung tissue.
  9. (Bronchoscopy) A procedure that permits the doctor to see the breathing passages through a lighted tube.
  10. (Bronchoscopy) A procedure where physicians look into the lungs and surrounding airways using a small camera.
  11. (Bronchoscopy) Evaluation of the airways by placing a lighted camera down in the trachea.
  12. (Bronchoscopy) Involves putting a tube down into the lungs to obtain specimens for culture or to perform a biopsy of the lung. This procedure may be necessary in cases where the patient is unable to cough up samples.
  13. (Bronchoscopy) Surgical removal of thick tissue in the lungs.
  14. (Bronchoscopy) a diagnostic examination in which a fiber optic tube is inserted in the throat to enable a doctor to see the trachea and the lungs. Bronchoscopy is often used to detect PNEUMOCYSTIS CARINII PNEUMONIA (PCP).
  15. (Bronchoscopy) a procedure that involves looking inside a baby’s trachea and bronchi (the large airways of the lungs) with a fiberoptic scope, to see whether there is a problem that is making breathing more difficult.
  16. (Bronchoscopy) ”In this procedure, a narrow, lighted scope is passed through your mouth or nose, down your bronchial tubes, and into your lungs. Your healthcare provider can examine your entire respiratory tract for signs of pneumonia. ...
  17. (bronchoscopy) a fiberoptic, flexible tube is passed through the mouth into the bronchi to locate tumors or blockages, and to gather samples of tissue and/or fluid.
  18. A device used to look into the intrapulmonary airways; may be flexible utilizing fiber optics to carry the image, or rigid, essentially a narrow metal tube with lenses at each end.
  19. A long, narrow tube with a light at the end that is used by the doctor for direct observation of the airways, as well as for sampling of tissue and other materials.
  20. a telescope mounted on the roof of a Ford Bronco
  21. A thin, flexible instrument used to view the air passages of the lung.