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brochures 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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brochures, plural;
  1. A small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service

  1. (brochure) booklet: a small book usually having a paper cover
  2. A brochure (also referred to as a pamphlet) is a type of leaflet. Brochures are most commonly found at places that tourists frequently visit, such as museums, major shops, and tourist information. Brochure racks or stands may suggest visits to amusement parks and other points of interest. ...
  3. (brochure) A booklet of printed informational matter, like a pamphlet, often for promotional purposes
  4. (Brochure) A plan's description of benefits, limitations, exclusions, and definitions under the FEHB Program.
  5. (Brochure) A pamphlet that is bound in booklet form.
  6. (Brochure) a leaflet, pamphlet, booklet or similar printed publication which provides information about an organisation and its products.
  7. (BROCHURE) A folded leaflet with an advertising or promotional message.
  8. (12. brochure) a very short booklet that only tells about one main topic
  9. (BROCHURE) Enter here to get a Free LTS brochure.
  10. (Brochure) A high quality pamphlet with a planned layout, typography and illustrations. The term is also loosely used for promotional pamphlets or booklets
  11. (Brochure) A multi-page presentation of the offer which may include product or service descriptions, "sell" copy, benefits, features, pricing, discounts for quantity purchases, ordering instructions and a call-to-action.
  12. (Brochure) A printed or electronic form of advertising in a format using both word copy and images. They are usually more than 2 pages long and often used to communicate products or services or information about a specific organization, in a summary form. ...
  13. (Brochure) A printed product consisting of a cover stuck or stitched directly to the spine of a single-layer or multi-layer block. The cover generally has the same format as the book block and is made either of material similar to the interior of the brochure or of card. ...
  14. (Brochure) A publication advertising and describing the items available for sale at public auction, including photographs, item descriptions, and the terms and conditions of the sale.
  15. (Brochure) A type of leaflet. The two most common brochure styles are single sheet and booklet (folded leaflets) forms. ...
  16. (Brochure) Advertising piece describing and promoting the advantages of a particular speaker, group of speakers or speakers bureau.
  17. (Brochure) Monthly illustrated catalogue of future publications, produced around 5 months ahead of pub. Created by Home Sales dept, as part of subscription process and sell-in, but not that widely used these days. See also Sales CD.
  18. (Brochure) Not sure which Sales or Management Training courses to choose? Download the latest Sales Training International brochure, and see which course best meets your needs.
  19. (Brochure) Two-sided, tri-fold brochure includes two sets of changes. Estimated design time 4 hours.
  20. (Brochure) display: Advertizing material used for display of printed material.
  21. (brochure) [G], PO > NDS, FO away, runs FT up little finger side of [B], PO > signer, FO up.
  22. (brochure) var. of bordure (rare).
  23. are more modest in scope than catalogs, have fewer pages, and may be for sale or free. Brochures may have essays although not as many in number as catalogs. Images of all of the artworks in the exhibit may not be included.
  24. are small booklets or pamphlets that contain promotional material or product information. There are several types of single-sheet brochure folds available depending on the content need and printing budget: bi-fold, tri-fold, z-fold, etc. ...
  25. usually arriving unheralded and unsolicited and addressed to completely ficticious addresses at the homes of the Box. For example, Thos received brochures addressed to I. Scott-Mary and Mr Magog of the Rajah Tandoori. Gooch had one addressed to Mr J. ...