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broadsword 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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broadswords, plural;
  1. A sword with a wide blade, used for cutting rather than thrusting

  1. a sword with a broad blade and (usually) two cutting edges; used to cut rather than stab
  2. A broadsword is a sword with a blade that is heavy, straight, and usually double-edged. A single-edged weapon sharing the other characteristics of a broadsword is called a backsword. The broadsword is designed for both cutting and thrusting, but primarily the former. ...
  3. The general two-edged blade popular from the 6th century onward. Ranging in length from 30" to 42" in length, the average sword weighs only three to four pounds. ...
  4. A broad design of sword used for cutting and slashing.
  5. a brooming throw that is released from behind the back or above the head
  6. a military sword and fencing weapon popular in the 18th-19th centuries, similar to a heavy sabre; any straight-bladed, double- edged, single-handed cutting sword of the post-medieval period
  7. any sword intended for cutting instead of thrusting; sabre.
  8. Term usually stands for Medieval swords which is, in fact, wrong. This misnomer comes from Victorian collectors of the early 19th century.
  9. (en). A cage or basket hilted weapon with two edges, used from the 17^th century to the 20^th. The most famous example of this is the Scottish basket hilted broadsword but other variants exist from all over Europe. This term is incorrectly used to refer to arming swords. See also schiavona.