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broadly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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In general and with the exception of minor details,
  1. In general and with the exception of minor details
    • - the climate is broadly similar in the two regions
  2. Widely and openly
    • - he was grinning broadly

  1. without regard to specific details or exceptions; "he interprets the law broadly"
  2. in a wide fashion; "he smiled broadly"
  3. (broad) slang term for a woman; "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"
  4. (broad) wide: having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other; "wide roads"; "a wide necktie"; "wide margins"; "three feet wide"; "a river two miles broad"; "broad shoulders"; "a broad river"
  5. (broad) across-the-board: broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers"
  6. (broad) not detailed or specific; "a broad rule"; "the broad outlines of the plan"; "felt an unspecific dread"
  7. (broad) lacking subtlety; obvious; "gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave"
  8. broad(a): being at a peak or culminating point; "broad daylight"; "full summer"
  9. (broad) very large in expanse or scope; "a broad lawn"; "the wide plains"; "a spacious view"; "spacious skies"
  10. (Broad (British coin)) The Broad was a British coin worth 20 shillings (20/) issued by the Commonwealth of England in 1656. It was a milled gold coin weighing 9.0–9.1 grams, with a diameter of 29 or 30 millimetres, designed by Thomas Simon (also called Symonds).
  11. (Broad (Surrey cricketer)) Broad (first name and dates unknown) was an English cricketer who played for Addington and Surrey during the 1740s.
  12. In a wide manner, liberally, in a loose sense
  13. (broad) A prostitute, a woman of loose morals; A colloquial term for a woman or girl; A shallow lake, one of a number of bodies of water in eastern Norfolk and Suffolk; wide in extent or scope; having a specified width (e.g. 3 ft broad); strongly regional; velarized, i.e. not palatalized
  14. (broader) comparative form of broad: more broad
  15. (Broad) A rectangular open-faced light which is used for general fill or for cyc illumination. (Lighting)
  16. (BROAD) on a named relative bearing [broad on the starboard bow]
  17. (Broad (in scope)) Covers the subject very generally; not focused.
  18. (Broad) A full-bodied, complex wine with plenty of subtleties.
  19. (Broad) A picture-language tasting term. In common with many descriptors for taste, it is hard to give a precise definition for this, but imagine a wine that has flavour and aroma elements that peak across the whole spectrum of tastes and smells, and you've got yourself a 'broad' wine.
  20. (Broad) goes back to Middle English bro(o)d , Old English brād ;
  21. (Broad) means a wide margin of safety. E.g aspirin.
  22. (Broad) was written brade, brede, and braed. We have preserved the first in the adjective broad, bu the pronunciation of the noun bredth we take from the second, and the orthogra[p]hy most absurdly from the last.^(2)
  23. (Broad) wool which is on the strong side for its quality number, or for its type.
  24. (broad) A kind of phonetic transcription which gives only minimal phonetic detail.
  25. (broad) also known as fava beans, available fresh, canned and frozen