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broadband 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or using signals over a wide range of frequencies in high-capacity telecommunications, esp. as used for access to the Internet,
  1. Of or using signals over a wide range of frequencies in high-capacity telecommunications, esp. as used for access to the Internet
    • - broadband applications such as video and live audio
  1. Signals over such a range of frequencies
    • - our ability to uplink on broadband has been curtailed

  1. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  2. responding to or operating at a wide band of frequencies; "a broadband antenna"
  3. The term broadband refers to a telecommunications signal of greater bandwidth, in some sense, than another standard or usual signal (and the broader the band, the greater the capacity for traffic). Different criteria for "broad" have been applied in different contexts and at different times. ...
  4. Excalibur is a Marvel Comics superhero group, an off-shoot of the X-Men, usually based in the United Kingdom. Conceived by writer Chris Claremont and artist/co-writer Alan Davis, the original Excalibur first appeared in Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn (1987), also known as Excalibur Special Edition.
  5. Broadbanding is used by Payroll Departments in the Human resource management. Its a technique used to categorize different pay structures of employees of an organization.
  6. A wide band of electromagnetic frequencies; An internet connection with a much larger capacity than dial-up or ISDN; Of, pertaining to, or carrying a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies
  7. (Broadbanding) Creating wide bands of compensation for each level or group of employees, so that a top employee in one area or level may make more than a new employee in a “higher” level.
  8. (Broadbanding) In a broadband pay structure, the numbers of salary grades are reduced, but the differential between one grade and the next is increased. ...
  9. (Broadbanding) a mechanism of obtaining flatter, less hierarchical structures by reducing the number of pay grades and widening the salary range in each grade. ...
  10. (broadbanding) Collapses numerous job grades with narrow salary bands in a salary structure into a few broad job grades with wide salary bands.
  11. An adjective used to describe large-capacity networks that are able to carry several services at the same time, such as data, voice, and video.
  12. Generally refers to connections to the Internet with much greater bandwidth than you can get with a modem. There is no specific definition of the speed of a "broadband" connection but in general any Internet connection using DSL or a via Cable-TV may be considered a broadband connection. ...
  13. Wideband technology capable of supporting voice, video and data, possibly using multiple channels.
  14. Broadband is a descriptive term for evolving digital technologies that provide consumers a signal switched facility offering integrated access to voice, high-speed data service, video-demand services, and interactive delivery services.
  15. A general term for different types of high-speed, high-bandwidth connections to the Internet, including ADSL and cable.
  16. A type of communications transmission medium that has sufficient bandwidth to carry multiple voice, video or data channels at once. A cable connection is one example of a broadband pipe. Versature’s hosted VOIP phone service requires a high quality broadband Internet connection for best performance.
  17. High-speed Internet connections that allow for transfers of information at rates far faster than those of dial-up modems
  18. A term used to describe a channel or communications line offering a bandwidth > 2Mb/s. (Synonymous with Wideband)
  19. Describes a communications medium capable of transmitting a relatively large amount of data over a given period of time. A communications channel of high bandwidth.
  20. Refers to the electronic infrastructure that provides a high-speed, continuous connection to the Internet.
  21. It is a term used to define high speed Internet connection, generally provided by cable TV, DSL or dedicated telecom lines. The high speeds are achieved by the carrying capacity of the cable that can carry multiple messages simultaneously.
  22. The use of cable to provide data transfer using analog (radio-frequency) signals. Digital signals must be passed through a modem and transmitted over one of the frequency bands of the cable. Multiple channels carry data on a single physical cable. ...
  23. Highcapacity highspeed, transmission channel with a wider bandwidth than conventional copper telephone lines. Broadband channels can carry video, voice, and data simultaneously.
  24. A method of communication where the signal is transmitted by being impressed on a high-frequency carrier.
  25. In television system use, a device having a bandpass greater than the band of a single VHF television channel.