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briskly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in a brisk manner; "she walked briskly in the cold air"; "`after lunch,' she said briskly"
  2. become brisk; "business brisked up"
  3. (brisk) alert: quick and energetic; "a brisk walk in the park"; "a lively gait"; "a merry chase"; "traveling at a rattling rate"; "a snappy pace"; "a spanking breeze"
  4. (brisk) bracing: imparting vitality and energy; "the bracing mountain air"
  5. (Brisk (beverage)) Brisk is an iced tea soft drink, produced by Lipton in conjunction with Pepsi. Brisk is available in a number of flavors such as lemon, mint, peach, raspberry, and Original Ice Tea, as well as diet. ...
  6. (Brisk (movement)) The Soloveitchik dynasty of rabbinic scholars and their students originated the Brisker method of Talmudic study, which is embraced by their followers in the Brisk yeshivas. ...
  7. fast, quickly, swiftly
  8. (brisk) Full of liveliness and activity; characterized by quickness of motion or action; lively; spirited; quick; Full of spirit of life; effervescing, as liquors; sparkling; as, brisk cider; Stimulating or invigorating
  9. (Brisk) A lively taste, a well-fermented, well-fired tea.
  10. (brisk) a term describing tea that is very astringent
  11. (brisk) a tea high in astringency. Also a trademarked characteristic of Lipton tea.
  12. (Brisk) A lively taste in the tea, as opposed to having a flat or soft taste. Best way to remember this is like with body (above). If you remember what the tea tastes like and the tea's flavor make you notice it, it's brisk. ...
  13. (Brisk) A lively, astringent quality, characteristic of all fine teas, not flat.
  14. (Brisk) Buyer needs are aggressive, product often booked ahead of production.
  15. (Brisk) Describes a live taste as opposed to flat or soft.
  16. (Brisk) Opposite of "flat"; pungent without being undesirably high in tannin content.
  17. (Brisk) Refers to a light, clean, pleasing, and slightly tangy and lively taste.
  18. (Brisk) The clean, assertive “bite” in black teas — a flavor in many high grown teas.
  19. (Brisk) The most 'live' characteristic.  Results from good manufacture.
  20. (Brisk) The mouth-puckering and lively bite found in high quality tea versus dullness
  21. (Brisk) The opposite of flat. Related to but not merely a pungency quality, it is described as a "live" character found in the taste of good black teas. It is not related to age.
  22. (Brisk) This means it has the right amount of astringency, stimulating to the tongue. This is the sign of a very well made tea.
  23. (Brisk) Wind in the range of 15 to 25 mph when the temperature is cold.
  24. (brisk) cool and stimulating, as weather can be
  25. (brisk) energetic, fast-paced, vigorous