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brisket 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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briskets, plural;
  1. Meat cut from the breast of an animal, typically a cow

  1. a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest especially of beef
  2. The chest of an animal; A cut of meat taken from this area, especially from the section under the first five ribs
  3. A cut of beef from the lower forequarter, best suited for long-cooking preparations like braising.
  4. The forepart of the body below the chest between the forelegs closets to the ribs.
  5. A cut of beef that comes from the cow’s breast. If not cooked properly, it’s notoriously tough.
  6. Mostly taken as a synonym for breast bone or sternum.
  7. A cut of beef (or mutton) taken from the breast section; sold without the bone and divided into two sections. The flat cut has minimal fat and is usually more expensive than the more flavorful point cut, which has more fat. Brisket requires long, slow cooking.
  8. The chest portion of the beef, usually extending some distance back of the forelegs; flavorful but rather tough, thus best used for pot roasts and for braising.
  9. A cut of beef taken from just below the shoulder along the length of the chest/breast. It is a reasonably tough piece of meat so slow cooking is essential to maximize the tenderness.  Great for stews or pot roasts.
  10. n., a straw container for a mohel's instruments.
  11. A cut of beef from the belly, used for slow roasting, casseroles, stews or mincing.
  12. Place beef brisket on a rack inside the grill and cooked slowly for at least 10-12 hours with indirect heat with wood chips.
  13. A cut of meat from the breast of a cow, this is a BBQ staple, and most strongly identified with Texas.  It is popular throughout the south, however, and has a rich flavor as it is a strongly worked muscle.  Best seasoned simply and smoked slowly for hours, or conversely, braised. ...
  14. The chest or sternum region.